A Complete Treasury of Stories for Public Speakers

A Complete Treasury of Stories for Public Speakers

Morris Mandel
412 pages ~ 6½ x 9
List Price $40.00
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About the Book

Businessperson, teacher, student, sales manager—just about everyone is called upon occasionally to “say a few words.” When that situation arises, turn to this volume to find speech-openers that command instant attention, poetic pieces that set a mood, or entertaining illustrations from life and literature that will add poignancy to any presentation. Organized by subject heading, and featuring a detailed index, A Complete Treasury of Stories for Public Speakers is extremely reader-friendly. This title, originally published in 1974, is available on-demand only.

“Admirable stories for use by public speakers . . . Appropriate for every kind of speaker and every kind of occasion.”
--The Book Exchange

About the Author

Morris Mandel has had an abundance of experience working with people. A graduate of St. John’s University and Brooklyn College, he is a diplomate of the Alfred Adler Institute of Individual Psychology. Dr. Mandel has had a long career as a teacher, guidance counselor, psychoanalyst, newspaper columnist, and lecturer. His published works include Stories for Speakers, Story Anthology for Public Speakers, and Advice to the Lonely, Frustrated and Confused.